Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sometimes, love is not enough

i would run
across the fields
jump through the air
and fall.
Scrape my knees
and arms.
Mom would wipe 
the tears
and her hug would warm
my heart...
My palms would bleed
and leave their marks
reminding me of the mistake made...

Sometimes, love is not enough
to heal the pain
the stains still remain...

To be a doctor
was a dream i chased
for 12 years or more
and failed
in my sole attempt.
Dad gave his shoulder
for my tears
and whispered "You tried my love,
that's all that matters"
"Yes i tried and failed"
Now i search for another
mad dream to chase
a dream that makes
my waking hours bright
and life worthwhile...

Sometimes, love is not enough
to help you win
your sole childhood dream...

In my life
i saw a lot of grief
i stooped again & again
to pick up the broken pieces
and make them one.
i gathered, i tied
i held them all
and loved them
with all my heart
making them my reason
to feel alive...

Sometimes, love is not enough
to make you live

love is not enough
love is just a shield
from utter loneliness
that i feel...

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