Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My Daddy's song

It came along the way
in the middle
not at the very start.

It came & held my hand
and i was cradled 
in your arms.

A song was hummed
in bass baritone
& sombre...

Yeh raat yeh chandni phhir kahaan
sunn ja dil ki dastaan...

Aapki pehlu mai aakar ro diye
Daastane gum suna kar, ro diye...

Rastaa wahi musafir hai wahi
Ik tara najaane kahaan chhup gaya
Duniya wahi duniya wale wahi
koi kya jaane kiska jahaan luut gaya

From Rafi to Mukesh
to Kishore's songs
i was held in a sway...
and slowly my eyelids closed
a smile crept through
and i dreamt away...

i have come a long way
but still when sleep deceives me
i sleep
listening to the same song
that you sung...
and sway to the beats
of your rhythmic pat on my back
and the warmth of your arms...

And as the night's shadow falls
i wish i were a kid again
with you holding me
the way only you can...


  1. Hey Samhita! Your poems ring of nostalgia and warmth! Keep it going!

  2. तारों भरा आकाश
    एक मेरे
    एक तुम्हारे पास
    अपना छोटा सा तारा
    तुमको कहे
    अब रात हो चुकी गहरी
    तुम सो जाओ
    मैं हूँ ना प्रहरी
    तारे की चमक
    आंखों में छुपा लेना
    मुट्ठी में कर बंद
    कुछ रौशनी बचा लेना
    कल जब सूरज
    तारे खा जाएगा
    और चकाचौंध में
    कुछ अँधेरा सा
    नज़र आएगा
    तब वो छोटा तारा
    तुम्हे याद आएगा
    राह दिखायेगा
    कल जब मेरा साथ
    तुमसे बिछड़ जायेगा
    और चाह कर भी
    मेरा प्यार
    तुम्हे छू ना पायेगा
    वो तारा तुम्हे
    मेरी याद दिलायेगा
    कुछ मेरी तरह
    बाहों में ले
    आँखों में रौशनी
    भर जायेगा

  3. I remember the song, wonderful song in hemant's voice... and now imagining it in uncle's voice :) beautiful article u hav written :) love it !!!
