Sunday, April 1, 2012


To know
you are loved
And yet
to live without accepting that

To be held,
felt with passion
And yet
to not respond back

To have
a lover’s entwining arms
And yet
to be aloof of that

To be touched,
caressed as the precious one
And yet
to hold your urge back

To be the one
who was to be the life partner
And yet
to be the one who never was

To be there
with everyone
And yet
to wish for that silent back...

1 comment:

  1. बदनसीबी के मौसम
    कुछ ऐसे घर कर गए
    दरिया किनारे बैठे
    हम प्यासे मर गए

    बारिश की बूँदें आईं तो
    मन हल्का करने हमारा
    हम छाता उड़ जाने का
    ग़म मनाते रह गए
