Friday, November 9, 2012

Why then?

If it was to be only once,
then why did you rouse my emotion...
If it was to be just lust,
then why did you pick my heart...

If it was not to be
then why did I and you become we...
If it was to be in a land of fantasy,
then why did our lives meet in reality...

If there were terms and conditions attached
then why was the consent asked after the signed deal...
If it was another one of your game,
then why did it have to be me...

If regrets were an after thought
then why did we give love another chance...
If love had a name tag
then why can't we read our heart...

If i had to move away from your world
then why did I play my part...
If the memories were to be incomplete
then why did the fire start...

If i know the answers
then why do i still ask...
If i know where to go
then why did i lose my path...

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