Monday, February 3, 2014

Inside Outburst

Sadness comes from nowhere...
Which window did i leave open?
Which door was left ajar?
The room I filled constantly with vacuum,
What cracked its strengthened walls?

Moist droplets stream down
the cheeks, that heeded no repair...
Where were these sobs hiding?
Why unbid would they pound on me?
What words would soothe their chars?

This unseen, unfelt, unknown pain,
how did they seep my cobbled veins?
How could they break into my chest?
What got them entrenched this far?

I try to push with all my might,
but where the push should start?
Enveloped with a gagging hand,
my eyes are smarting
And wailing is my heart...

And yet it clenches its fist around
Wrenching my guts, cracking my spine...
I twist and turn, I curl and burn
How would I find the will to fight?
How will I know, when end's in sight?

Despair's the word
that's screaming now.
Scrambling pulls at hope's strings
has worked no more than lifeless dreams...
I dive-in in an endless sea
I see no shore to take my hand...

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