Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Evil One

Yes. The evil evil one.

The one who gives you the bitter truth.

The one who says goodbye, because it is the best for you.

The one who has to be mean and relentless, without a heart, so that your heart does not break again.

The one who will tell you, you are a spade, not because you should remain one or feel bad about being one, but because it knows you can be so much more if you would try a little harder than today.

The one who is the bitter medicine for the cure of immeasurable illnesses.

The one who becomes the hated one for not saying a yes to whatever you say.

The one who is truly your friend, who loves you with your mistakes, who judges you before the world gets a chance to do so, guards you from the pain that you might face, who is there not only when you need it but also when you don't know that you do need it.

Thats the evil one. The one you love to hate.


  1. True.
    Unfortunately the heart wins over the mind and invariably The Evil One gets prematurely shunned.
