Tuesday, November 2, 2010

M&A 2

Arguments. Thats the catch word.

I can argue for hours as then I can be heard. It is fun to just disagree and continue the conversation with logical and illogical reasoning.

"There needs to be at least one person at home to look after kids", he would say, adding "I want 3 of them. 3 is perfect." So even though I am a strong believer of not working after having kids, I would still argue for the rights of a woman to work after kids. "I want only 2 kids, a girl and a boy.", I would rant away in mock indignation. "2 kids is so middle class!", he would say with that condescending smirk on his face.

Stumped. A statement that beats logic, and is purely judgmental. But still, that shows a point of view, which is better than the not ever taking a stand and being politically correct people.


  1. I was enjoying this conversation...
    What stopped it? An impending meeting or rush to leave?

  2. @Utsav: an inability to continue it...
