Monday, November 8, 2010


I love you
Even when I am tired
And want to throw in the towel

When I look out

At the smart, witty joker
Or the suave sexy guy

When I get compliments

from strangers
And friends from days far

When my day is bad

And the night does not
seem to end

I love you

For reason unknown
For knowing you are you
Not some mirage

For being a friend

a lover
And everything in between

For saying the truth

And not some made up lies
to please me for a moment

But standing by

When the world passed by

I love you

And someday you would know
And not ask me why
And not ask me to prove
what I feel for you...

I love you

I just do.


  1. i am secretly falling in love with you. sigh, neither am i a boy nor a homo.. :P

  2. @Jere: I love it when you say that :)
