Tuesday, November 9, 2010

PM: The next step

So yes, this friend of mine wanted me to name the M&A blogs AM to symbolise what happened in the day and PM, as what happened later...but well, as nothing was happening later, so I stuck to M&A.

All that has changed. We talked. But something remained the same as before. Nothing really happened. So now we are friends.

Like all the other nice guys I have doted on, this one became a "good friend" (one tight slap to the one who created this word. Loser.)

The thing is that, I don't fall in the "Hot & Happening" "Eye candy" category, nor am I the "Sophisticated one". I am just plain cute and to some extent mischievous, and more like the "guys". Oh I so want to be a "girl"! *pouted face*

So now I feel the flutters come and go, but I am calmer and decently well behaved and don't jump up and down when he passes by me.

The stories, later.


  1. PM is so happy for you! :P

  2. Tight slaps and cuteness are mutually exclusive :P

  3. @Mishri: Never thought of that! :P

    @The slob: Cuteness and slaps merge quite well. You should get used to it! ;D :P
